Milo The Monster — My Reward Day At The Pet Store.

Cynthia Taura
6 min readJan 29, 2022

I was treated to new toys at the pet store for losing five pounds.

Pet Store image (courtesy of

Hi everyone! It’s me, Milo!

Milo is on the window seat in Mom’s office. Photo by Mom.

Wow, what a day!

First, Mom took me in the car. That means a trip to the vet! I enjoy going to the vet. They’re always so nice. They smile and use silly voices to talk to me. My tail does a major wag when I’m there. There’s also the fish tank. I love jumping on that thing. I still need to figure out how to get those slimy suckers!

Every time I go there, I have to get on the scale right away. There are also treaties close by too. I did a sit, and Mom did a smile. The lady said I lost 5 pounds. I don’t know what that means, but I heard Mom say my two favorite words: pet store!

Woo hoo, I’m so heckin’ happy!

I started roo-ing, and Mom began to laugh. Mom’s laughing; gee, what a fluffing shock! Now she’s talking to the lady behind the counter. Oh my dog, this will take a while. Where are the fishes? Hmmm, how can I get those things? I need to do a strategy!

We’re leaving. Hallepupinlujah! See you later, fishies!



Cynthia Taura

My name is Cynthia. I am a copywriter focusing on pet health and wellness. Stay tuned for some tail-wagging great stories!