Cynthia Taura
3 min readMay 23, 2021


Announcing My Absolutely Adorable Furry Family and Why I’ve Decided To Write About Them

From top left: Buddy, Daisy, Oreo, Nala, Milo, and Fluffy. Center: Lady

Some of you may have read my review of a local Italian restaurant. However, restaurant reviews are not near and dear to my heart. I write them sometimes, but it’s not my passion. Two of my main passions have always been writing and animals. So I figured I might as well combine both.

Off we go!

Picture It! You’ve been dreaming about getting a new dog or cat for a while now. Maybe you’re feeling the void of a dearly departed pet. Maybe you’re in the market for a certain breed of dog or cat.

One thing is for sure…you’re bringing home a new family member.

I grew up with a dog, a yellow Lab mix named Candy. My family and I had her from a puppy until her death at 12 from Hemangiosarcoma. I always knew that I would have pets when I grew up. Some people want a house full of kids. I always wanted a house full of pets.

Fast forward a couple of decades, and that’s what I have. And I couldn’t be happier!

I am currently a pet parent to two dogs and 3 cats. My dogs are Daisy, a German Shorthaired Pointer mix that I rescued from a kill shelter, and Milo, a Lab/Beagle mix found on from a rescue in Georgia. My 3 cats are:

  • Buddy — an Orange Tabby
  • Fluffy — a Diluted Tortishell



Cynthia Taura

My name is Cynthia. I am a copywriter focusing on pet health and wellness. Stay tuned for some tail-wagging great stories!